Why Do You Lose Radio Signal In a Tunnel

When you’re in a tunnel and the radio signal is completely gone, what does this mean for your car? How could this be possible? What are other possible explanations for lacking radio signals while driving under a bridge? How do уou fix this problem and get back to broadcasting? In this blog post, we will take an in-depth look at what happens when уou drive through tunnels.

This article discusses how objects like walls or ceilings can block radio signals. Not only will we look at the signals in a tunnel, but we will also take a look at radio signals blocked by bridges. Let’s begin by looking at radio signals in tunnels.

Radio Signals In Tunnels

Why do you lose a radio signal in a tunnel? Tunnels are long and usually made of concrete walls and ceilings. How can this affect your car’s radio? The answer is easy: Radio signals travel through a vacuum. When you’re in a tunnel, the air is rarefied. The air can’t carry radio signals. There’s just no room for the signal to travel through. This is why we lose radio signals in a tunnel.

The loss of signal will not have a visible impact on the radio. You have to look for the other problems that could be causing radio signal loss while driving under a bridge. The tunnel is not causing the problem; you are.

Tunnel Radio Fix

How can you fix this problem? It’s probably not going to be a good idea to run into the tunnel and change positions or try to move your car away from the walls. The best option is to improve reception when you’re in a tunnel by making changes.

One way to get better reception in a tunnel is to find a radio station that doesn’t broadcast online. Not all radio stations are online. This approach that if you’re riding via a tunnel and your sign suddenly cuts out, it is feasible that you may music into an FM radio station that does not have a web streaming alternative.

Another manner to enhance reception is to buy an FM transmitter on your vehicle. An FM transmitter attaches in your stereo gadget and publicizes the programming onto the frequency range of 88-107.9 MHz. This will make it viable if you want to preserve broadcasting your favored radio station at the same time as you are riding thru a tunnel.

This post was written by Justin Tidd, Director at Becker Mining Communications! For over 15 years, Becker Communications has been the industry’s leader in Tunnel Radio and electrical mining communication systems. As they expanded into surface mining, railroads, and tunneling they added wireless communication systems, handheld radios, tagging, and tracking systems, as well as gas monitoring.